prevents kick from server for inactivity
- Systray Icon with 3 different colors to indicate the current status (active, inactive, game not detected)
- Toggle it on or off
- detects if StarCitizen is running or not and waits for SC to come up
- sends a notification to the user once the state of SC has changed (active/closed)
- countdown warning before anti logoff mechanism is about to fire off
- remembers the previous focussed window and return the focus afterwards if necessary
- monitors if any keystrokes or mouse inputs have been send to the active StarCitizen window
- if no inputs occured within 5-6mins, the anti logoff mechanism starts
- has randomized timed events to prevent detection
- settings file, in case you wanna enable/disable sounds or notifications
- ships as executable file or ps1 file, in case you want to examine the code for security reasons (both can be used to start the tool)
- no autohotkey is needed, all is running in native powershell / c code shipped with windows
- this tool can be run only once, a popup message will inform the user if there is still a previous version active
- double click the ps1 or exe file to start the tool
- a little icon will be placed in your systemtray, it has the same icon as the exe file
- you can rightclick on the icon to control the tool
- you can either click on MONITOR to enable it, SUSPEND to disable it or just EXIT to close the tool
- make sure to start the tool and StarCitizen in the same context (as user or with admin permissions)
- keeps W pressed until stopped
- holds down SHIFT to run fast
- press W twice to toggle Autorun ON
- tap W again or press S once to stop
- access systray icon to pause or exit
allows to paste pre defined textblocks into ingame chat
- select from 6x custom textblocks to be pasted into StarC itizen (chat)
- focusses StarCitizen before simulating keystrokes t
- modify lines 318, 325, 332, 339, 346 and 353 in teh ps1 file to rename the menu items
- modify contents of each textblock
- rightclick ps1 file and select run with powershell
- in StarCitizen open chat window
- access systray icon (orange symbol) and select desired textblock
- press Enter in StarCitizen to send textblock
fetches your live and ptu playtimes
- fetches your session times (playtime) from gamelogs
- evalutes the runtime of StarCitizen, it does not differentiate between main menu or server sessions
- provides a sortable table of all logged sessions (turned on by default)
- latest addition supports LIVE, PTU, EPTU and TECH-PREVIEW
- run ps1 file with right click and select run with powershell
- by default it runs with PowerShell V5
- PowerShell V7 is a little bit faster, which needs to be installed manually
provides realtime navigation in space and on planets
- Live Navigation utilizing the /showlocation debug command
- provides navigational details in space, athmosphere and ground vehicles
- returns multiple angles for different use cases like deviation angle or compass bearing
- provides an estamated time until arrival
- you can select from over 500+ predefined destinations/pois
- you can save your own points of interests and use these for navigation
- can fetch updates to get recent poi updates
- forecast/prediction of distance and eta based on current speed
- shows many values informations about players and destinations position
- global coordinates, local coordinates, long/lat/height and om distances
- shows next locations and their distance like next poi, next quantum beacon, next orbital marker or next planet
- provides details about sunset and sunrise events
- shows and ingame overlay on top of star citizen for navigational purposes
- provided details for orbital drops
- has a dedicated function to get the player into a specific band of the aaron halo
- tracks /showlocation usage
- provides minor details like current server location, loading time or playername
- live display of local time, ingame simulation time and utc server time
- provides an auditing view to see live values of planet rotation and sunset/rise calculations
- is shipped with some extra functions, like sending /showlocation triggered by hotkey, antilogoff or autorun
- allows experienced users to recalibrate the current planet/moon in case the rotation changed
- powershell v7 is necessary to run jericho and is included in the archive, look into subfolder !BeforeFirstUseInstallPrerequests
- Install powershell v7 from !BeforeFirstUseInstallPrerequests folder using default options except check the "run with powershell 7" checkbox
- Please install both fonts Dungeon and Jericho for proper rendering in the same preinstallation folder
- Windows 11 users need to set their "Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted" in an administrative powershell session, to use this tool
Automates Player location update while playing and transmitting the current player location to starmap
- sends /showlocation command to chat
- switches focus on a browser where starmap is opened
- returns focus to StarCitizen
- run .exe or .ahk file
- to pause or close the updater, search your system tray in the bottom right for a green symbol with a white A inside and rightclick it to select an option